This page contains the list of softwares that I developed, improved and/or maintained during my academic career.
GIVUP, which stands for GeneratIon and Verification of Underspecified Processes,
is a tool aiming at automatically generating and verifying temporal logic properties
on BPMN processes from descriptions written in natural language.
It is freely usable online, provided that you sent me a password request and did not exceed your quota.
Several real-world examples of BPMN processes generated from textual descriptions are also available on this page.
BISAR, which stand for BPMN Instrument for Semi-Automated Refactoring,
is a tool aiming at optimising BPMN processes enhanced with time and resources and executed multiple times.
The optimisation method used is based on a restructuration of the BPMN process, during which the position of the tasks of the process evolve over time.
It is freely available online.
VBPMN, which stands for Verification of BPMN, is a tool aiming at verifying
the validity of temporal logic properties on BPMN processes.
It was originally designed and developed by Ajay Krishna,
Pascal Poizat
Gwen Salaün, and is now maintained and (slightly) modified/enhanced by myself.
It is freely available online.